Labour MP for Erith & Thamesmead

Teresa Pearce MP

Why Erith and Thamesmead matters to me

Posted on March 28, 2009 by admin

socialdemocratlogo1I came with my family to live in London at the age of ten, a shy young girl from a small Lancashire town.  Although my family went back to live in Lancashire 12 years later I stayed, because I am a Londoner. 

I went to school in London, as did both my children,  I learnt to drive in London (not an easy task). I commute every day along with thousands of others.  My daughters were born in SE London NHS hospitals. 

 I was in Trafalgar Square with my parents rejoicing in 1966 when England won the world cup.  London is my home. And more importantly Erith and Thamesmead is my home and has been for 30 years.

 I understand the need for strong government and services for  London, something that was lacking for far too long during those dreadful Thatcher years.  I was helped by local government when I most needed it in the early 1970’s before Thatcher did her worst in the 1980’s.   

I left school  at 17 to get married and become a mother and I found myself  at 18 after the departure of my husband alone facing the world with a small baby and bleak prospects.  But thanks to a small council  flat in Belvedere , a GLC funded day nursery and a Bexley council funded career advisor I was set on the road to independence, self respect,and a career in the worlds financial hub, the city of London.

I am now perceived as a successful career woman but that is partly because Erith and Thamesmead gave me life chances.

I welcome the opportunity to give back to Erith and Thamesmead  the chances that it gave to me and my family. I look forward to seeing the people of Erith and Thamesmead able to harness their full potential and access all the things that should be available to them living in the South East  corner of a world class city.

1 to “Why Erith and Thamesmead matters to me”

  1. Ruth Clarke says:

    Teresa, I have no hesitation in welcoming your candidature. As a former Secretary of Erith & Thamesmead CLP (for eight wonderful years!) I think I have a pretty good understanding of the place – just as you have, having been there for so long! The Greenwich side identifies with our great multicultural, bustling capital city. The Bexley side is very Kent – a settled community of decent, hard working people, coming to terms with the economic squeeze and an influx of newcomers from different parts of the world. They all need an MP who understands their issues, has ideas about how to address them, as well the enthusiasm and ability to stand up for them – yes, you! On top of that, you don’t take yourself too seriously and you can even make politics understandable and fun! Hope all will go well for you, Ruth.

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